31125 Via Colinas Suite 905, Westlake Village, CA 91362
Mon. - Fri. 7:30am - 4:00pm PST

Torx Bits

Torx fasteners are becoming more and more common in automotive and appliance assembly. Apex provides a full selection of bits for Torx screws. By design, Torx head screws resist cam-out better than Phillips head or slot head screws. Where Phillips heads were designed to cause the driver to cam out, to prevent over tightening, Torx heads were designed to prevent cam-out. The reason for this was the development of better torque-limiting automatic screwdrivers for use in factories. Rather than rely on the tool slipping out of the screw head when a torque level is reached, thereby risking damage to the driver tip, screw head and/or work-piece, the newer driver design achieves a desired torque consistently.

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